Saturday, April 18, 2009

Yuuki's journey to the Mystical WaterFalls Part 2

The adventure continues . . .
Finally, Princess Yuuki arrived at Mirror Lake, where the herbs were known to grow.

Encounter 5: Lake
A dire toad may sound comical but, to the fishermen it's been eating, not so much. The fisher's guild was offering a reward to anyone who could slay the beast.
Princess Yuuki made an Attack Bonus check with a difficulty of 14 . . . and rolled 22
Princess Yuuki, dagger in hand, waited in ambush until the huge toad came into view. The battle was over in a flash, a single blow was all it took to end the amphibious reign of terror.
Princess Yuuki received 55 XP and 3 gold.
Princess Yuuki received a Dagger.

Encounter 6: Lake
Princess Yuuki was surprised to see two snarling kua-toa with nets and tridents rise out of the lake!
Princess Yuuki made an Attack Bonus check with a difficulty of 15 . . . and rolled 16
The creatures were somewhat clumsy on land, and Princess Yuuki defeated them easily. Still, Princess Yuuki had to wonder what else might come out of that lake . . .
Princess Yuuki received 83 XP and 5 gold.
Princess Yuuki received a Dagger.

Encounter 7: Lake
Princess Yuuki heard the cries of a child spluttering and struggling to stay afloat in the lake.
Princess Yuuki made a Strength check with a difficulty of 13 . . . and rolled 21
Princess Yuuki swam as hard and as fast as she could. Reaching the child, he dragged him to safety. His grateful parents met Princess Yuuki on the shore and insisted on rewarding her for the efforts.
Princess Yuuki received 68 XP and 2 gold.
Princess Yuuki received a suit of Leather Armor +1.

Encounter 8: Final Encounter
With a name like Singing Falls, Princess Yuuki expected a cute little waterfall, not the two-hundred-yard wide, thirty-yard-high monstrosity thundering down before him. The blessed wolfsbane was there, growing on a rock protruding from the water right in front of the center of the falls. There were a lot of sharp rocks in front of the falls, actually, making a swimming approach too dangerous.
Princess Yuuki made a Strength check with a difficulty of 13 . . . and rolled 20
Princess Yuuki walked under the waterfall and got pounded by the water. It seemed the only reasonable path even though the rocks were wet and slippery and the water punishing. Princess Yuuki's athletic prowess was up to the task and she was able to retrieve the wolfsbane. She proudly returned with it and saved the village. They will forever know her as a hero, and of course, rewarded her greatly.
Princess Yuuki received 130 XP and 23 gold.
Princess Yuuki received a Oak Staff.

Having successfully completed the adventure, Princess Yuuki headed home to rest.