Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yuuki's journey to the Mystical WaterFalls Part 1

The adventure begins . . .
Collecting the herbs will require a long trek -- through the forest, across a mountain pass, and finally to Mirror Lake. Princess Yuuki best get started!

Encounter 1: Forest
Princess Yuuki was getting tired of walking along the seemingly endless road through the forest when she heard a horse approaching. Hoping to hitch a ride, she struck up a conversation as the man approached.
Princess Yuuki made a Charisma check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 15
The rider was glad to meet a friendly adventurer and even happier to have the company of such a charming traveler on the lonely road. They rode together on the horse for several miles before their paths diverged at a fork in the road. For Princess Yuuki, it was also pleasant company and even more so pleasant to get off his feet for a while.
Princess Yuuki gets +3 Constitution for 2 encounters.
Princess Yuuki received 41 XP.

Encounter 2: Forest
Princess Yuuki found herself facing off against an ugly goblin. Goblins are ugly as a rule, but this one was particularly ugly in a way that might have been distracting to an unseasoned adventurer.
Princess Yuuki made an Attack Bonus check with a difficulty of 14 . . . and rolled 13
In addition to being especially ugly, this goblin cutter was particularly elusive, dodging and weaving for several minutes before disappearing into the woods. Princess Yuuki hoped it wouldn't come back with friends.
Princess Yuuki took 8 damage.
Princess Yuuki received 16 XP.

The adventure continues . . .
Princess Yuuki crossed into the mountain pass, and her progress slowed.

Encounter 3: Mountain
Princess Yuuki came to an old suspension bridge made of rope and boards. Unfortunately it had snapped and was laying flat against the far side of the gorge. Princess Yuuki took her grappling hook and fifty feet of rope out of her pack, and tried to hook the bridge and drag it up.
Princess Yuuki made a Dexterity check with a difficulty of 9 . . . and rolled 9
Princess Yuuki's aim was true, and she hauled the bridge back into place. After securing it properly, she was able to cross with ease.
Princess Yuuki received 55 XP.

Encounter 4: Mountain
Three bugbears chased Princess Yuuki across a rope bridge, hurling javelins (and insults) as they ran!
Princess Yuuki made an Armor Class check with a difficulty of 26 . . . and rolled 33
Princess Yuuki dodged the javelins (and ignored the name calling) and deftly cut the rope bridge behind her, sending the bugbears down into the rushing river below. e then noticed a partially concealed cave containing the treasures the bugbears had been guarding.
Princess Yuuki received 55 XP and 14 gold.