Monday, December 28, 2009
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
JSP Sessions
On a typical web site, a visitor might visit several pages and perform several interactions.
If you are programming the site, it is very helpful to be able to associate some data with each visitor. For this purpose, "session"s can be used in JSP.
A session is an object associated with a visitor. Data can be put in the session and retrieved from it, much like a Hashtable. A different set of data is kept for each visitor to the site.
Here is a set of pages that put a user's name in the session, and display it elsewhere. Try out installing and using these.
First we have a form, let us call it GetName.html
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 10:07 PM 0 comments
THis is a test
just a test
i'm experiment with XML woohoo
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 6, 2009
Curse of the Wolf Moon
The villagers are recovering from fending off a werewolf attack. The beast was slain, but its blood frenzy still possesses the injured villagers each full moon. Someone must travel through Felltooth Wood to find the legendary Mirror Lake of Felltooth Mountain. There blessed wolfsbane grows in the spray of the Singing Falls. It's the only cure!
The adventure begins . . . | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Collecting the herbs will require a long trek -- through the forest, across a mountain pass, and finally to Mirror Lake. Yuuki best get started! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Encounter 1: Forest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yuuki was growing quite hungry and decided to throw a balanced stick at a rabbit as he had been taught to do by his uncle. Yuuki made a Dexterity check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 9 It was more difficult than Yuuki remembered it being and, after a great many wild misses, he gave up. As his stomach grumbled, he tried to convince himself that rabbits have very gamey meat anyway. Yuuki took 7 damage. Yuuki gets -3 Constitution for 2 encounters. Yuuki received 25 XP. |
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Encounter 2: Forest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Climbing a tree to get a better view, Yuuki met a goblin . . . in the tree! The equally surprised goblin tried to explain what he was doing there. Yuuki made a Wisdom check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 8 The goblin's explanation was perfectly reasonable and even quite fascinating. It was so fascinating that Yuuki did not notice the dagger the creep had pulled out until it was firmly stabbed into his side. A swift kick sent the unctuous goblin spiraling towards the ground. Yuuki took 8 damage. Yuuki received 16 XP. Yuuki received a Dagger. |
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The adventure continues . . . | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yuuki crossed into the mountain pass, and his progress slowed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Encounter 3: Mountain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yuuki approached an old man guarding a rickety bridge spanning a deep ravine. The old man refused to let Yuuki pass until he answered a riddle. Yuuki made an Intelligence check with a difficulty of 15 . . . and rolled 18 Yuuki tricked the old man into answering his own riddle incorrectly -- which sent the old man flying into the gorge by the power of his own magic. Yuuki strolled easily across the bridge. Yuuki received 64 XP. |
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Encounter 4: Mountain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yuuki encountered a sad looking shepherd in the mountain pass who told him that he had lost his magic sheep. Yuuki made a Wisdom check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 13 Compassionate to the core, Yuuki helped the shepherd search. He found the sheep sipping water from a fountain in a long-forgotten shrine. Magic or no, the sheep led Yuuki right to some very lootable relics! Yuuki received 55 XP and 7 gold. Yuuki received a Dagger. |
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Posted by Mecha LEBU at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Yuuki's journey to the Mystical WaterFalls Part 2
The adventure continues . . . | |
Finally, Princess Yuuki arrived at Mirror Lake, where the herbs were known to grow. | |
Encounter 5: Lake | |
A dire toad may sound comical but, to the fishermen it's been eating, not so much. The fisher's guild was offering a reward to anyone who could slay the beast. Princess Yuuki made an Attack Bonus check with a difficulty of 14 . . . and rolled 22 Princess Yuuki, dagger in hand, waited in ambush until the huge toad came into view. The battle was over in a flash, a single blow was all it took to end the amphibious reign of terror. Princess Yuuki received 55 XP and 3 gold. Princess Yuuki received a Dagger. | |
Encounter 6: Lake | |
Princess Yuuki was surprised to see two snarling kua-toa with nets and tridents rise out of the lake! Princess Yuuki made an Attack Bonus check with a difficulty of 15 . . . and rolled 16 The creatures were somewhat clumsy on land, and Princess Yuuki defeated them easily. Still, Princess Yuuki had to wonder what else might come out of that lake . . . Princess Yuuki received 83 XP and 5 gold. Princess Yuuki received a Dagger. | |
Encounter 7: Lake | |
Princess Yuuki heard the cries of a child spluttering and struggling to stay afloat in the lake. Princess Yuuki made a Strength check with a difficulty of 13 . . . and rolled 21 Princess Yuuki swam as hard and as fast as she could. Reaching the child, he dragged him to safety. His grateful parents met Princess Yuuki on the shore and insisted on rewarding her for the efforts. Princess Yuuki received 68 XP and 2 gold. Princess Yuuki received a suit of Leather Armor +1. | |
Encounter 8: Final Encounter | |
With a name like Singing Falls, Princess Yuuki expected a cute little waterfall, not the two-hundred-yard wide, thirty-yard-high monstrosity thundering down before him. The blessed wolfsbane was there, growing on a rock protruding from the water right in front of the center of the falls. There were a lot of sharp rocks in front of the falls, actually, making a swimming approach too dangerous. Princess Yuuki made a Strength check with a difficulty of 13 . . . and rolled 20 Princess Yuuki walked under the waterfall and got pounded by the water. It seemed the only reasonable path even though the rocks were wet and slippery and the water punishing. Princess Yuuki's athletic prowess was up to the task and she was able to retrieve the wolfsbane. She proudly returned with it and saved the village. They will forever know her as a hero, and of course, rewarded her greatly. Princess Yuuki received 130 XP and 23 gold. Princess Yuuki received a Oak Staff. | |
Having successfully completed the adventure, Princess Yuuki headed home to rest. |
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Yuuki's journey to the Mystical WaterFalls Part 1
The adventure begins . . . | ||||||||
Collecting the herbs will require a long trek -- through the forest, across a mountain pass, and finally to Mirror Lake. Princess Yuuki best get started! | ||||||||
Encounter 1: Forest | ||||||||
Princess Yuuki was getting tired of walking along the seemingly endless road through the forest when she heard a horse approaching. Hoping to hitch a ride, she struck up a conversation as the man approached. Princess Yuuki made a Charisma check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 15 The rider was glad to meet a friendly adventurer and even happier to have the company of such a charming traveler on the lonely road. They rode together on the horse for several miles before their paths diverged at a fork in the road. For Princess Yuuki, it was also pleasant company and even more so pleasant to get off his feet for a while. Princess Yuuki gets +3 Constitution for 2 encounters. Princess Yuuki received 41 XP. | ||||||||
Encounter 2: Forest | ||||||||
Princess Yuuki found herself facing off against an ugly goblin. Goblins are ugly as a rule, but this one was particularly ugly in a way that might have been distracting to an unseasoned adventurer. Princess Yuuki made an Attack Bonus check with a difficulty of 14 . . . and rolled 13 In addition to being especially ugly, this goblin cutter was particularly elusive, dodging and weaving for several minutes before disappearing into the woods. Princess Yuuki hoped it wouldn't come back with friends. Princess Yuuki took 8 damage. Princess Yuuki received 16 XP. | ||||||||
The adventure continues . . . | ||||||||
Princess Yuuki crossed into the mountain pass, and her progress slowed. | ||||||||
Encounter 3: Mountain | ||||||||
Princess Yuuki came to an old suspension bridge made of rope and boards. Unfortunately it had snapped and was laying flat against the far side of the gorge. Princess Yuuki took her grappling hook and fifty feet of rope out of her pack, and tried to hook the bridge and drag it up. Princess Yuuki made a Dexterity check with a difficulty of 9 . . . and rolled 9 Princess Yuuki's aim was true, and she hauled the bridge back into place. After securing it properly, she was able to cross with ease. Princess Yuuki received 55 XP. | ||||||||
Encounter 4: Mountain | ||||||||
Three bugbears chased Princess Yuuki across a rope bridge, hurling javelins (and insults) as they ran! Princess Yuuki made an Armor Class check with a difficulty of 26 . . . and rolled 33 Princess Yuuki dodged the javelins (and ignored the name calling) and deftly cut the rope bridge behind her, sending the bugbears down into the rushing river below. e then noticed a partially concealed cave containing the treasures the bugbears had been guarding. Princess Yuuki received 55 XP and 14 gold. |
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Life of the aristrocrats
To ages when the earth was yound,
When patriarchs, grey and old,
The praises of their god oft sung,
And oft his mercies told.
You see them with their beards of snow,
Their robes of ample form,
Their lives whose peaceful, gentle flow,
Felt seldom passion's storm.
Then a calm, solemn pleasure steals
Into your inmost mind;
A quiet aura your spirit feels,
A softened stillness kind.
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 11:40 PM 0 comments