Monday, July 6, 2009

Curse of the Wolf Moon

The villagers are recovering from fending off a werewolf attack. The beast was slain, but its blood frenzy still possesses the injured villagers each full moon. Someone must travel through Felltooth Wood to find the legendary Mirror Lake of Felltooth Mountain. There blessed wolfsbane grows in the spray of the Singing Falls. It's the only cure!

The adventure begins . . .
Collecting the herbs will require a long trek -- through the forest, across a mountain pass, and finally to Mirror Lake. Yuuki best get started!
Encounter 1: Forest
Yuuki was growing quite hungry and decided to throw a balanced stick at a rabbit as he had been taught to do by his uncle.
Yuuki made a Dexterity check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 9
It was more difficult than Yuuki remembered it being and, after a great many wild misses, he gave up. As his stomach grumbled, he tried to convince himself that rabbits have very gamey meat anyway.
Yuuki took 7 damage.
Yuuki gets -3 Constitution for 2 encounters.
Yuuki received 25 XP.
Dexterity check:
DEX Bonus:+0
7 Damage
25 XP
Encounter 2: Forest
Climbing a tree to get a better view, Yuuki met a goblin . . . in the tree! The equally surprised goblin tried to explain what he was doing there.
Yuuki made a Wisdom check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 8
The goblin's explanation was perfectly reasonable and even quite fascinating. It was so fascinating that Yuuki did not notice the dagger the creep had pulled out until it was firmly stabbed into his side. A swift kick sent the unctuous goblin spiraling towards the ground.
Yuuki took 8 damage.
Yuuki received 16 XP.
Yuuki received a Dagger.
Wisdom check:
WIS Bonus:+4
8 Damage
16 XP
+1 ATT
The adventure continues . . .
Yuuki crossed into the mountain pass, and his progress slowed.
Encounter 3: Mountain
Yuuki approached an old man guarding a rickety bridge spanning a deep ravine. The old man refused to let Yuuki pass until he answered a riddle.
Yuuki made an Intelligence check with a difficulty of 15 . . . and rolled 18
Yuuki tricked the old man into answering his own riddle incorrectly -- which sent the old man flying into the gorge by the power of his own magic. Yuuki strolled easily across the bridge.
Yuuki received 64 XP.
Intelligence check:
INT Bonus:+0
64 XP
Encounter 4: Mountain
Yuuki encountered a sad looking shepherd in the mountain pass who told him that he had lost his magic sheep.
Yuuki made a Wisdom check with a difficulty of 12 . . . and rolled 13
Compassionate to the core, Yuuki helped the shepherd search. He found the sheep sipping water from a fountain in a long-forgotten shrine. Magic or no, the sheep led Yuuki right to some very lootable relics!
Yuuki received 55 XP and 7 gold.
Yuuki received a Dagger.
Wisdom check:
WIS Bonus:+4
55 XP
7 Gold
+1 ATT