Monday, December 28, 2009
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
JSP Sessions
On a typical web site, a visitor might visit several pages and perform several interactions.
If you are programming the site, it is very helpful to be able to associate some data with each visitor. For this purpose, "session"s can be used in JSP.
A session is an object associated with a visitor. Data can be put in the session and retrieved from it, much like a Hashtable. A different set of data is kept for each visitor to the site.
Here is a set of pages that put a user's name in the session, and display it elsewhere. Try out installing and using these.
First we have a form, let us call it GetName.html
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 10:07 PM 0 comments
THis is a test
just a test
i'm experiment with XML woohoo
Posted by Mecha LEBU at 11:07 AM 0 comments